Tips & Hints

Find your story
What makes your company stand out? Find a way to say it simply and then build it into your investor communications strategy.
Communicate - often
The more you communicate with investors, the more likely they are to follow your progress.
investor relations consulting

Strategic Consulting

We build investor relations strategies that coincide with our customers' growth and business development, using a cross-platform approach of various media strategies to expand upon their investor reach in communicating their progress to the market in creating healthy stocks.


Your 200-day moving average
1/2% of the outstanding shares turn over every day in the market for healthy stocks.
Watch the competition
Performance is at the root of success, yet your competitors may be communicating with the public more often. How often do you communicate with the public?
Don't wait to communicate
Build up to your plans in advance when communicating "your story" to the marketplace so that when you reach your goal investors saw it coming and react.

Special Notice

SEC announces agenda and panelists for roundtable on microcap securities.
The Roundtable will be held in Washington DC on October 17, 2011. The roundtable is being sponsored by the SEC's Microcap Fraud Working Group and will feature three panels discussing key regulatory issues, including anti-money laundering monitoring, compliance challenges, and potential changes to the microcap regulatory framework.

The event will begin at 1 p.m. in the multi-purpose room at the SEC’s Washington D.C. headquarters, with public seating on a first-come, first-served basis. The event also can be viewed by live webcast, and will be archived on the website for later viewing. Read More

Advice from Experts

investor relations consulting

Healthy stocks add to a company's ability to use their securities as an effective capital tool in raising cash, acquisitions or as employee inducements, which are all more difficult to achieve if your investor relations strategy isn't working. Price Target Media excels in the knowledge, contacts and tools needed to build market liquidity.

How do you get healthy?

By building a comprehensive investor communications program any company can expand its market following, though it does take time. Which is where strategic planning comes into play.

Let us prove it to you...

PTM buys 100 nationally distributed press releases per month from GlobeNewswire at steep discount prices. These are for our customers at no mark up.

To prove to you how we can help, now you can order the same national press releases at cost. Here's how

Contact Price Target Media to see how our investor relations services could benefit you.